pipe smoking celebrities, extraordinary pipe smoking stories

 People always judge others by small details, like a tie, a pair of socks, or a pen. The pipe is also a detail that cannot be ignored. Although there are so few people who use pipes now, the image it occupies on people's faces fully depicts a person's personality.

1. Sherlock Holmes

In the pen of detective novel master Conan Doyle, the classic image of Sherlock Holmes is: wearing a deerstalker hat, wearing a plaid trench coat, and then holding a heather pipe, or haunting the misty manor A castle, or sitting by a fireplace swaying with charcoal fire... meditating for a long time in the thick smoke. To Sherlock Holmes, the pipe was as much a detective tool as a magnifying glass, a chemical test tube, and Footprints and Deductive Evidence. He likes to analyze and reason about complicated cases in the company of a pipe. Therefore, the way Holmes counts time is sometimes counted in terms of pipes. For example, when he took over the "Red Hair Club Case", he said to his assistant Dr. Watson: "This is a problem that can only be solved by smoking three pipes..."

Sherlock Holmes once said: "The pipe is sometimes very important, except for the watch and shoelaces." Therefore, Holmes likes to analyze the character, identity and even appearance of the characters through the use of the pipe, the type of tobacco cut and the remaining ashes. While researching the "Yellow Masked Man", Sherlock Holmes picked up a pipe from the crime scene and speculated: "The owner of the pipe is obviously a strong man, left-handed, with good teeth, and careless. , the economy is prosperous.”

2. Van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853-1890), a representative painter of post-impressionism in the Netherlands. Van Gogh was born into a Protestant priest family in the Dutch countryside. In his early years, he worked as a clerk and a business broker, and also worked as a missionary in the mining area. He is full of fantasies, loves to go to extremes, and suffers repeated setbacks and failures in life. Finally, he devoted himself to painting, determined to "fight with himself in painting". His early painting style was realistic, influenced by Dutch traditional painting and French realism school.

Whether Van Gogh is a genius or a lunatic, this question is still debated, but it is an indisputable fact that Eleventh Van Gogh is a complete pipe smoker. In his short life, Van Gogh lost a lot of relatives, friends, and lovers, and until he died alone, the only thing that accompanied him was his pipe. On July 27, 1890, the destitute and sickly Van Gogh ended his life with a revolver at the age of 37. For the 36 hours before his death, he lay awake all night in bed, not saying a word, with a pipe in his mouth, and in the rising smoke, Van Gogh was thinking about how End your life.

3. Engels

Friedrich von Engels (1820-1895) German thinker, philosopher, revolutionary, great teacher of the proletariat and working people all over the world, one of the founders of Marxism.

Engels, a well-known pipe lover, once said to his friends in a very intoxicated tone: Sitting in the garden on a bright spring morning with a pipe in his mouth and letting the sun tan his back, there is nothing like this. It's more comfortable to read...

4. Einstein

Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879-April 18, 1955), one of the world's ten outstanding physicists, the founder, synthesizer and founder of modern physics. As a theoretical physicist of Jewish descent in the 20th century, Einstein founded the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (the other is quantum mechanics), and its mass-energy equation E = mc2 is known to the world, and because of the "right For his contributions to theoretical physics, especially the discovery of the photoelectric effect, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. Einstein achieved excellence in his life, and his name has become synonymous with "genius".

Einstein was also a loyal pipe lover. When he was working, he liked to fill a few pipes with tobacco in advance, put a row in front of him, and use it at any time. Einstein discovered the "relativity theory" that promoted human civilization in the lingering smoke, and wrote "E=mc2" that shook the world. In 1950, when Einstein was accepted as a life member by a pipe club in Montreal, he told people: "I believe that smoking a pipe can give us a kind of calmer and more objective judgment on the things of the world."

5. Churchill

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once wrote in his "Memoirs of World War II": "This is a memorable moment. On my right is the President of the United States, and on the left is the master of the Soviet Union. The three of us together, controlled most of the world. The Navy and three-quarters of the Air Force could command nearly 20 million troops in one of the most horrific wars ever seen in human history."

What he called a memorable moment was a night during the Tehran conference in November 1943, when they discussed the opening of a "second European front". On this memorable occasion, Churchill held a sturdy heather pipe in his hand, Stalin dipped a huge datewood pipe under his thick beard, and Roosevelt smoked Camel, but He put the cigarette in a long mouthpiece.

6. Sartre

Sartre: "Cigarettes are nothingness; pipes are existence."

In Sartre's philosophical work "Being and Nothingness", he even used the pipe as a philosophical example. He considered the cigarette to be a symbol of "nothingness," an abstract, non-inherent, vanishing object, while the pipe was a symbol of "existence," writing: "The pipe is there, on the table, independent of existence. I take it, I touch it, I look at it to make myself feel owned. But precisely because it seems destined to give me the pleasure of owning, now it It didn't work. I felt like I was holding a dead piece of wood in my hand."

7. Mark Twain

Mark Twain is an American humorist, novelist, author, and famous speaker. His humor, wit and fame make him one of the most famous people in America.

"I don't know how much a normal person smokes," wrote Mark Twain's friend William Dean Howells, "but it can be said that he smoked completely beyond the normal range, almost non-stop. "Maybe smoking can really provide the master with creative inspiration and wonderful enjoyment. He was a big smoker. "I smoke very much," Mark Twain wrote in 1891. "Almost all the time, so to speak." It's no exaggeration to say that, he bought barrels cigars, boxes of pipes. "If there is no pipe in heaven, I would rather choose hell." These classic quotes all show the master's love and obsession with tobacco. Mark Twain smoked almost 30 cigars a day, and he would smoke a pipe for a while.

8. He Long

He Long (1896-1969), a great proletarian revolutionary, military strategist, one of the founders and main leaders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and a Marshal of the People's Republic of China. Formerly known as He Wenchang, word Yunqing. Hunan Sangzhi people. In his career of more than half a century of revolutionary struggle, he has made important contributions to China's old-democratic revolution, new-democratic revolution, socialist revolution and construction, and established immortal merits.

Marshal He Long was a smoker all his life, and it can be said that he never left his pipe. When he was thinking about problems, commanding battles, giving reports, and talking with people... he couldn't do without his pipe; when he was emotionally fluctuating and expressing his emotions, he couldn't do without his pipe. The pipe condenses his wisdom and taste. The bucket used by He Long is now stored in a museum in Yan'an.

9. Stalin

The most impressive thing about Stalin is his smiling contemplation with his pipe in his mouth, which almost became Stalin's symbol. Stalin liked to smoke pipes. When talking with people or speaking at small conferences, he often paced up and down the room with a pipe in his mouth, smoking a pipe while talking like no one else. At this time, his thoughts were highly concentrated, his words were clear and organized, and the words and phrases he chose could accurately express his thoughts and make the listeners fascinated. His movements of talking, walking, and smoking are very harmonious, showing the demeanor of a leader, making people feel both majestic and intimate. Regarding Stalin, there are many discussions behind him, and there are many different opinions. There is no doubt that Stalin was a person who likes to be suspicious and suspicious. He has no friends. The only "friend" he can trust in his life is his pipe.

11. Chaplin

Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, was a British comedian and anti-war activist who later became a very good director, especially in the early and middle years of Hollywood movies. He was very successful and active. He laid the foundation of modern comedy movies, and is known as "the world's three major comedians" with Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd. Chaplin wearing a bowler hat and dress almost looks like He has become an important representative of comedy movies, and many artists will perform in his way in the future. The image of the tramp created by comedy master Chaplin (1889-1977) is the most classic character image in the world film of the 20th century. He wears a small hat, big leather shoes, a moustache, and a wanderer with a small pipe in his hand. Han, kind and weak, makes people laugh and feel sad. This image of Chaplin's creation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is precisely because of this that Dunhill introduced the Chaplin commemorative pipe in 1989, which was the 100th anniversary of Chaplin's birth. This is a limited-edition pipe, limited to 300 pieces worldwide, a coveted treasure for many collectors. The embossed silver ring on the handle with Chaplin's portrait, coupled with the silver Chaplin's cane-shaped press, will captivate all pipe lovers and collectors.

12. Spice Girl Victoria

Victoria Caroline Beckham (née Adam, born 17 April 1974 - ) is an English singer and fashion designer, a former member of the popular group Spice Girls, during the Spice Girls period She is called "Posh Spice". But Victoria is best known as the wife of heartthrob David Beckham, whom they started dating in 1997 and married on July 4, 1999 at Roadtleston Castle in Dublin, Ireland, and have been the world's most watched ever since. One of the star couples, they have four children together.

Maybe you don't believe it, the hot girl Victoria is also a pipe smoker. You see, when she was interviewed by BBC TV, she was still holding a long pipe, but it looked like a show.

13. Huang Yongyu (the designer of the 1980 Stamp High-priced Monkey Ticket)

Born on July 9 in Tuojiang Town, Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. Tujia people. The pseudonym Huang Xingbin, Huang Niu, Niu Fuzi. Tujia people, received primary school and incomplete junior high school education. Due to his poor family background, he went out to make a living at the age of 12, and went to work as child labor in small porcelain workshops in the mountainous areas of Anhui and Fujian, and later moved to Shanghai, Taiwan and Hong Kong. At the age of 14, he began to publish his works. After a period of time, he focused on printmaking. His unique printmaking works are well-known at home and abroad. At the age of sixteen, he began to make a living by painting and woodcutting. He used to be a small worker in a porcelain field, a primary school teacher, a middle school teacher, a family education librarian, a trainee artist member of the troupe, a newspaper editor, a film screenwriter, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the vice chairman of the China Artists Association.

He smoked cigars, good cigars, and he used to give them as gifts when people came to see him. After the cigar is lit, once you stop smoking it, you can put it aside and leave it alone.

More often, he used a pipe. The cut tobacco came in a round tin box that seemed to be stamped with the words Made in Denmark. He dug out a little bit of shredded tobacco from the tin box and filled it into the pot, only filling a small half of the pot. He had to put the lighter close to the cigarette pot, and then, like turning on a flamethrower, let the blue flame shoot deep into the cigarette pot to ignite the shredded tobacco. He is said to have more than 200 pipes. There is a piece of art on the table in his home, a wine bottle with a large pipe embedded in it. In an unexpected and very simple way, he put the pipe in. Like Huang Yongyu, who uses a pipe like Huang Yongyu, he keeps it in his mouth all the time. As long as he is not sleeping, he will never leave his mouth. I am afraid that the iron pipe is not worth a few guys. Not so many hundreds are definitely not enough.

And the house is big, and there are many advantages to smoking pipes. You can always grab it at your fingertips, and you won't have to look for it temporarily. I had seen a picture of him, where he squatted and put his head under the chair to look for a pipe. At that time, he was holding a pipe in his mouth. It's a bit like the guy who rides a donkey to find a donkey.

In my opinion, compared with smoking cigarettes directly, the former is more standardized, civilized, and gentle, as if a poem was published in a regular big newspaper or a tabloid. the difference. In our country, farmers smoked with long tobacco pouches, sat at a distance, and stretched their cigarette pots into the fire pit, where they flickered and flickered. The smoke is hissed in through the rod. In addition to a flavor, farmers value the aroma of black e-juice that has been condensed in the tobacco rod for many years. It is said that when drinking tea from a Yixing Zisha teapot, the older the teapot, the better.

Does the pipe work the same way?

There must be other reasons for pipe smoking. A foreign poet named Mallamei said: I picked up the solemn pipe again, it is more suitable for serious people, it allows me to smoke for a long time without being interrupted, so I can work better.

15. MacArthur

Douglas MacArthur (January 26, 1880-April 5, 1964), often referred to as "Mike Shuai" in the Chinese-speaking world, is a famous American military general who was awarded a five-star general in 1944 and served as a Philippine general. Field Marshal. In the 1930s, he served as chief of staff of the U.S. Army and was one of the main commanders of the Allied forces in the Pacific War. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service in the Philippines campaign, and he and his father, Arthur MacArthur Jr., were the first father and son to receive the Medal of Honor at the same time.

He always had a long corncob pipe in his mouth, dressed in a khaki military uniform, a soft combat hat, and a pair of black sunglasses on his eyes. He looked arrogant and unruly. This was the second world. General MacArthur, commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Theater.

It is strange that General MacArthur always had a long corncob pipe in his mouth no matter what the occasion. As a well-known general, why does he always have a simple corncob pipe in his mouth? This has always been shrouded in a mystery in the minds of many people, and they can't figure it out.

MacArthur was born into a military family in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, and likes to smoke corncob buckets is a custom of many people in Little Rock, Arkansas. The corncob pipe is made by removing the corn kernels after the corn is mature, and taking the stalk, which is air-dried for about 2 years, and then processed by other processes, and finally glued. The corncob pipe has the advantages of light weight, porous heat dissipation, etc. Because of its low price, it is especially popular in this area.



What Are The Best High End Tobacco Pipes?