Young man's pipe view

 Should the pipe smoker be an old man?

Is it like this? ?

Once upon a time, we saw old men picking up rubbish on the road. They liked to smoke pipes because the tools were simple and cheap.

There is another kind of rich people fighting, in order to enjoy and show off, arty, do everything possible in luxury. During the period of reform and opening up, everything was rare, and tickets were required for everything, not only food tickets, cloth tickets, cake tickets, etc., but also tobacco for sale. Pipes are not "things" that ordinary people can afford, so it is almost only some senior people who have a head and face to play with this extravagant thing. It seems that, in this way, the people who have never fought are elders.

On the street, it is rare to see the rambler with the bucket in his mouth, and the bright clothes and perm are hardly seen among the buckets.

Another important factor in the perception that pipes belong to the elderly from an environmental point of view is that pipe smoking requires a quiet environment, a relaxed mood and free time. In terms of time, young people do not. The spirit of the times has continued to this day, and young people have not given too much leisure time to sit down and enjoy the soothing of a pipe of cigarettes.

hope is always there

Educated young people have learned more knowledge, went out of the country, and opened their eyes to see the world. With the broadening of their horizons, the culture of pipe smoking has become more popular among young people, and pipe smoking has gradually become a kind of intense passion among young people. A leisure way to relax your body and mind and adjust your state in addition to the competition of survival. As a result, the pipe began to win the favor of young people.

With the increase of economic income and the improvement of the quality of life, it is no longer difficult to buy some favorite pipes and a little tobacco. In fact, as long as you have the heart to collect, the current information development can bring a lot of convenience to the purchase of pipe tobacco. , many young collectors also emerged, quite elegant.

Pipe smoking is good, there is no doubt that, unlike smoking, the "slowness" of the pipe has the effect of nourishing the heart and nourishing the nature. For modern young people, it can indeed be used as a kind of precipitation to temper mature wisdom.

Judging from the whole set of ways of preserving shredded tobacco, maintaining the pipe, loading grass, and pipe smoking skills, the world of pipes is really rich and exciting, not to mention the variety of pipes, full of personality, which is in line with the young people in this publicity personality. The times show their character. I believe that after trying hundreds of varieties of tobacco, such continuous development will be enough for a lifetime. Young people are always curious and eager to learn. Young people who smoke pipes are more concerned about the beauty of tasting various tobaccos and commenting on the pros and cons of various types of pipes, which is different from the elderly. Today's young people are more mature and more independent than the young people of a few decades ago.

If the notion that old people should smoke pipes is an outdated notion left over from history, then this notion should be shattered by young people who smoke a lot of pipes today.

In other words, the growing popularity of domestic pipes is driven by young people. The prosperity of pipe culture depends on young people, and they play the pipe brand of their own era.

If you ask, what will happen to today's young fighters when they become old people?

The answer may be this: After decades of smoking, playing, and studying pipes, those old fighters have had enough precipitation to become real fighters, and they have reached the realm of seeing the fighters and not seeing the fighters. It is still young people who are tireless and keen to explore. The inheritance of pipe culture from generation to generation brings prosperity from generation to generation. Therefore, pipes belong to young people.

If you want to be a fighter, you can only start from a young age.



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