mug bong is a marijuana smoking device that combines the smoking function of a traditional bong (water pipe) with the appearance of a coffee cup. Its basic design is the same as any other homemade bong, but the only difference is that the one he uses is not water, instead use hot coffee or tea as your smoke filtration medium. It may not seem like a huge difference, but the temperature difference between hot and cold water makes a whole difference when you smoke marijuana, In addition to drinking coffee with it, you can smoke marijuana, vanilla, or tobacco at the same time.

Most mug bongs have an airtight seal at the bottom where the bowl goes so you can get a good hit every time. The seal makes it so that no smoke escapes into your room while you're smoking it, which means less wasted weed! In addition to that, a travel bong mug also allows for larger hits than normal bongs do because of its large chamber size.
And compared with other bongs, their prices are cheaper, you don't need additional accessories or equipment to use with them, you only need to prepare your favorite coffee, marijuana or herb to enjoy the pleasure of smoking, comprehensive The following advantages make mug bong very popular among cannabis beginners

Using coffee mug bong to smoke marijuana is my favorite way, I will explain to you how to use coffee mug bong, generally coffee mug has a bowl on the side and a hole at the bottom. You can smoke from it by inhaling through the hole and exhaling out of the bowl.
But you need to pay attention to some things before using coffee mug bong. You need to buy a high-quality ceramic coffee mug bong, because if you buy a low-quality coffee mug bong, it may be overheated during your use.And cause your mug bong to crack

Next you need to prepare your weed and grind it with a smoke grinder, Grind it up as much as possible so that the herb will be able to easily pass through the screen. This will help you avoid clogging up the screen with ash or other debris from the ground up weed.
Once you have everything set up, you need to put the marijuana in the bowl, because the inside of the mug bong has a built in pipe, you just need to take a deep breath through the hole in the bottom, and you will get the perfect hit, but pack marijuana Be sure not to pack too tightly, as this may restrict airflow and make it impossible to smoke marijuana normally



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